Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My new sweet baby - Bridget!

What do you think about my little new baby Bridget? - What will your baby look like?


Jessica Wille said...

haha...i can hear it now...'go get me a pepsi!'

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

Finally you post! and your wedding picture at the top is so cute! you look beautiful! and I've done that baby picture thing where it combines the features...haha the outcome is always so funny! All our babies looked retarded.

missy said...

Jules, you're baby will be beautiful. Kind of retarded* looking, but nevertheless, cute. haha. But I think that your real life babies will be darling. Look at where they are coming from. You and Brad. It doesn't get much better than that, right? ha

*All the babies on that website make them look down syndrome. You should have seen my babies. haha

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

Hey Jaesi sent me here - I am looking for cute hair things ... you make them? Please email me if you do.

amitchell @ riverwoodsmill dot com

Thomas Family said...

Okay, seriously past due for a new post girl! Kenzi wants some hair pics. Oh- I guess I can show her some on your other blog.